We have been waiting for Lily's MRI/MRA results to be read by her Dr's. and Surgeon. We went on Friday of last week for what we thought an apt to find out news about when her next surgery was going to be, but the Surgeon hadn't had time to consult with the Cardi and the rest of the team so he told me he would call me Tuesday.Well the phone rang this morning and the nurse told me what the doctors were thinking. They are going to let us ride out the holidays without surgery. YAY...I was so scared we would be spending Christmas in the hospital. BUT the first or second week of January, she will be going in for her 3rd O.H.S.
They will be doing the Ross procedure. They are doing a complete valve replacement on both sides of her heart.We go December 2nd and we will talk with the Cardi then about all of this. I have time to digest all of this, this time. I am thankful for that, but I am also saddened because she will be having another OHS before her birthday.
Please pray for my beautiful little girl will remain strong and make it through this. I can't imagine my life without her.Thank you for all that have followed her journey from the beginning, thank you for those who have joined in following her journey, Thank you to those who continue to pray for my daughter, and thank you to those who don't believe in prayers but continue to keep my daughter in your thoughts.We are thankful for all of you, without you, Lily would not have pulled as far as she has already.
Bless you all, please know we keep all of you in our prayers. You have no idea how much it moves me in knowing that my daughter inspires others. To know that thousands of people around our country and even outside it it know Lilys story. It brings tears to my eyes to know that my little girl holds the hearts of others. I never thought I would blessed with a child such as Lily, a miracle such as Lily. As I reflect over the last 8 months 1 week and 6 days, the ups and downs we have been on, I could not ask for any more. The Lord above has taught me the true meaning of persavernce, thankfulness, strength, trust, faith, and Love. How much more can I truly ask for?
We just have to believe in miracles and I do because I have one living in my home. Do you believe in Miracle?