Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A Trip to the ER turned into an Admission!

oh where do I begin. So as I sat and watched Lily last night once again stuggling to breath I listened to her heart and it was 180bpm so I called the cardi and he told me to take her in immediatly. I packed her up and myself ready for the long haul seeing it was midnight by the time we headed out the door. We got there and they hooked her up to the pluse ox as we were being checked into triage and she was hanging in the 80's . We had to wait out in the ER for all of 10 maybe 15 mins and then we were taken back, I swear the main ER has no idea what to do with a Cardiac baby, it is kind of funny to watch them squirm (I know I know, thats not very nice of me, im like a kid with a magnify glass watching Ants run away from me...Muuuu HA HA...Evil laugh* LOL) Ok enough with the laughs. So as she was hooked up her O2 rate would bounce between the 80's and 90's and her heart rate was anywhere from 140's to 170's. Her color was a bit pale but she besides that she was fine. Then there was the times she would wiggle and squirm and start breathing fast and her heart rate would jump from the 140's to the 170's down to the 130's, she was all over the map. The ER called her Cardi and they decided to go ahead and admitt her for observation. We were taken upstairs around 4am and were welcomed with open arms and the "Why are you here?" and the"Oh my goodness, look at how big she is" Once again she is being adored and cooed over. They are starting her Beta blocker and doing EKG's left and right to moniter her heart. They are hoping she has an episode while she is there to see what I am talking about. I hate when she has them but I hope she does too so they can see first hand what I am talking about. She breaks out in sweat, she breaths like her heart is coming out of her chest and she just cant get comfortable. I pray this ends up just being her Arrythmia and not anything any more serious then that, but that is still serious, because arrythmias can kill. Once again I ask you all to lift up your voices to the high heaven and ask our Lord God, our creator, for mercy, for comfort, and for complete healing. My never ending thanks and love are sent out to all of you.!

"Dear Lord, I ask for your grace, I ask for your comfort, I ask for your healing, for Lily and for myself. Lord I have left myself out of prayers lately but now I ask for your help. I am falling apart, my heart is breaking, I am losing my strength for all of this. I will never give up but I need a little help. Please take these burdens and hold them on your shoulders for me, even if it only for a moment. Please lift me up and wrap me in your comforting embrace. Please hold Lily close and help her heart fight this fight, we ask that you hold her heart in your hands and heal it in a way only you can. I thank you Lord for all the time I have had with her, I am greatful that she is an angel I can call mine. I remember Lord to Trust you, I trust you with all my heart, and I will not lean on my own understandings, I have acknowleged you, now please, help direct my path and make it straight. I ask this of you, in Jesus name, AMEM!


my life: said...

What a beautiful family and an amazingly strong baby girl. I found your site through another heart baby! Hang in there. :^)

Aimee Hardy said...

We are praying for both you and Lily for help and strength to get through all of this. She is so beautiful. One day at a time!