\ˈmi-zə-rē, ˈmiz-rē\
Inflected Form(s):
plural mis·er·ies
14th century
1 : a state of suffering and want that is the result of poverty or affliction
2 : a circumstance, thing, or place that causes suffering or discomfort
3 : a state of great unhappiness and emotional distress
I will take Thing, or place that causes suffering or discomfort for a thousand Alex.
As of last night a whirlwind of, accidents, purposeful and circumstantial misery has happened. I was walking up the stairs again last night...and me being me, missed a stair and twisted my ankle. Skinned my shin, cut up my hands a wee bit but all in all, I came out better then I usually would. That is a sad statement to admit to.
Last night as I sat down with my neighbors, I had my baby monitor with me so I could hear the kids, seeing daddy was out on a daddy's night out. I locked the front door so they couldn't open it if they woke up. Well there was one time I didn't lock the door and I do believe it was for a reason. I had come upstairs to check on the kids, refill sippies and Lily's bottle and then headed back down stairs. I left my keys on the counter, not realizing it until I was already back down stairs. About five minutes lapse, we see my downstairs neighbors coming in from their evening, *it was about 2am* We all waved and said hello and said good night to them. As they continued walking, they stopped abruptly and looked up at my window, like they had seen or heard something. I got a sickening feeling and turned the baby monitor up, I heard nothing. I looked back up at my window and all of a sudden I heard a blood curdling scream. All of us shot up and I flew over the patio wall before anyone else had moved further then standing. I flew past my down stairs neighbors and bounded up the stairs by twos. I scared the crap out of them when I flew by but I didn't even stop to apologize. I was in mommy mode. I flung the door open and ran down the hallway. No lights were on, I jumped over boxes (mind you, this was after I ate it going up the stairs), I flung open my bedroom door, Lily was wailing, it was a, "Mommy it hurts cry." I turned the light on and there she was with her leg stuck in the bars of the crib. Her arms were hanging out, she looked at me, reaching for me when she saw me. I worked her leg out of the bar, which let me tell you wasn't easy, her legs seriously have some chunk to them. When i got her chubba leg loose, I scooped her up and cradled her to me. She was gasping, her lips were purple, she was sweating like crazy. She couldn't have been stuck like that for more then 5 minutes seeing I had been up and checked on her about 10 minutes previously.
Once getting my adrenaline down, I became angry, I thought the bars on the cribs were suppose to be made so that couldn't happen. I finally headed back down stairs, to the awaiting question of what happened. I hadn't realized it, but I was shaking. I didn't remain downstairs for much longer, not being comfortable with it. I headed back up, to trip again, but not nearly as bad that time.
Then waking up this morning, I proceeded to step on Lucas's Thomas Computer, which was hiding in a laundry pile in the hallway. Don't worry, it wasn't my bad ankle that I landed on it on, it was my good one, so now I have matching tweaked ankles.
Then continuing on, I was closing the door behind Chris today as he left for work and we all said our goodbyes and got our kisses and hugs. The kids had been playing on the entry way tile with their cars, needless to say, I went to turn around and one jabbed through my foot. Yes...THROUGH...blood, cursing to myself...I picked that blasted car up, to throw it straight into the trash.
So lets review, two tweaked ankles, a bloody foot, scraped hands, shins, and wrists......lets continue....of course there is more.
I then proceeded to unlock the bathroom door so the boys could go to the bathroom before nap time, (we lock them because of Lily and her fascination with the potty) Well, when they were coming out, i had reached over to put the key back, while I held myself in place, I leaned over, by holding onto the door frame...can you see where this is going??? Just in case you haven't I will fill you in. Austin closed the door on my fingers, of course it was intentional but it didn't stop me from screaming, then giving him a swift pat on the butt. He looked at me in total shock. I told him it wasn't his fault but he "HAS TO LOOK" before closing doors. He seems to be the one who will close peoples extremities in the doors. We remind him every time that he needs to look before closing...hopefully he will get it sooner rather then later...thankfully it has only been mostly my fingers and Lucas's once or twice. Lily and daddy have yet to be exposed to our finger smashing sessions.
I laid the boys down, kissed them for their nap after prayers, then was heading back to the living room, my toe caught Austin's bed, I ended up leaving the room by hopping following by the giggles of the boys.
Recounting, Ankle's, Foot, Toes, Hands, Wrists, Shins...oh my
I went to the kitchen to unload the dishwasher. I opened the cabinets so i could just offload the dishwasher quickly. As i was coming up, my forehead smacked into the cabinet...it felt fabulous. I just laughed at this point...throwing my hands up saying, "Really?? Really?" I did not ask , "What else can happen?" Cause I in all honesty didn't want to know.
I was walking out of the kitchen and a sippy was on the floor and had been leaking. I of course hadn't noticed it, I slid, caught myself on a chair, only to double over it from the force. Stomach pain isn't so grand when just about the rest of your body is hurting.
Sooooo....after all of that, I grabbed a Tylenol and a Motrin, a soda, I sat my hiney down onto the couch, and grabbed my oh so wonderful lappy. Which I will mention, I have only dropped once on my foot while i was typing this.
Yes...I know, I am a klutz....no need to mention it to me...
I do hope your day is going better then mine. Although, I do know, it could have been a lot worse. Believe it or not, from all of the above, I am walking away with only one bruise to show of. I hope to keep it that way for the rest of the day. My one girlfriend told me I should stay out of the car today...in a way I think I might agree with her. But I will put my trust in the Lord that he will keep me safe, even through all my klutziness....I hope.....
Love Hugs and Blessings