Monday, June 15, 2009

Stress, Relaxation(breathing),& a Clear road.

I have been nothing short of a lazy blogger. Chris had 4 days off, the kids were gone for 3 of those days and then we had friends over. Life has been crazy hectic over the last week since I last posted. Boy oh boy.....where do I start?

Ahhh well with Lily of course. Well she went to the cardiologist and guess what???? Her pressure is holding stable, still high (70%, *80% means surgery*) Being upped on her beta blocker seemed to have done the trick, even if it is just a temporary fix, we will take it. Dr. Rhee wants to get her sleep study done, along with her Swallow study. After we get the results back on that, then we will take it from there. Surgery may be able to be postponed to the end of the year instead of the end of the summer or beginning of the fall. We may have bought a year with the valve after all..... So, what does all this good news mean??? We have 2 months until our next cardio visit!!! ** Doing a happy dance over here, (which I am very glad you can't see)**

Oh AND...yes more good news!! She is weighing in at a hefty 25 lbs 13 oz...I just like to say 26lbs!! Oh and she is baby Godzilla, reaching heights of 31 1/2 inches tall. *Watch out, she is going to be a basketball player like her daddy* (If not a basketball player, she will be a pitcher, cause let me tell you she's got a heck of a throw to head and the various bumps would show you the proof of my words).....then again...I think they would be slightly embarrassing, that my daughter has such brute strength, that she is bruising me.....not that she means to, she just doesn't know her own strength.......I hope!

After talking about my daughters abusive ways, lets move on to other things, proving to you she is not the spoiled princess of my household.

Seeing the title to this blog has the word STRESS in it, I think I need to elaborate on it just a smidgen.

Without going into huge details or divulge anyone's name, I will help you understand the headache i have been dealing with over the last month.

An acquaintance of mine, who I became friends with (her fiance was an old co-worker of mine), had a bit of a falling out.(I have yet to learn how to do strike outs like many of you, so I have to go with...) Ok...not a BIT of a falling out...more of like a HUGE falling out!...Like I said, no details, but it got to the point were she would not leave me or my husband alone. Contacting me through Lily's mypace page after blocking her from mine, and went even further with contacting me again through her fiance', and then contacting Chris, with a harassing and threatening email. I could not even go out side without her being out there, reprimanding my children, having her daughter tell them they were mean and bad kids. It got ridiculous and way out of hand. So after spending time praying about what needed to be done, I printed all the emails, (mine included) and headed to the courts to put a restraining order against this person. After going before the judge I was only able to get protection against Chris and myself, she had not personally harassed the children, *just her child mind you*. After my lovely day at the court house, I had to come home and hire myself a process server. Who I talked down from the initial price of $75, to $40, to have her served. Also seeing we live in an apartment complex, I had to take all documents to the office and have them put them on file, which our apartment complex manager is still waiting to hear back from his lawyers to let us know if our lease will be broken or what will be done, seeing we live so close to each other.

I will honestly admit that i was sickened to have to do any of it, but I could no longer tolerate it. It is one thing with me, but when you drag my husband and children into it, mama bear comes out of hibernation and my pretty, easy going, "hey Jenna, nice to see you!" side doubles back into the cave instead. I still get the threatening glares, along with threats through her myspace status. (No we are not friends on myspace, but after being served she got really nasty), everything from, CPS has been called on me for neglect of my children, to she has surveillance equipment on her patio to monitor me to give to CPS, to show them I am a horrible mother.

I just shake my head, knowing she is trying to scare me back into the house with my children, but I have nothing to hide. I love and adore my children, but if they disobey, then they will get a time out. If they run out into the street we will have a stern talking along with a swift thump on the butt. *oh boy...I just admitted I spank my children* should I duck and cover and check over my shoulder? ??

No! A spanking is different then beating. Proverbs 13:24 (NIV) "He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him." I stand firm in my children's raising. I run a tight ship, but a loving one. I want my children to grow up respecting them self, their elders but mostly the Lord himself. I have been called out on my relationship with the Lord. Saying the Lord is not by my side because of the sins I have committed in my life time. Deuteronomy 31:6Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." My heavenly father knows my sins, he knows my heart and he knows I am repentant to what others still try to condemn me of. I was taught not to stand in a room and look at others with eyes of judgement. That when I stand there, i am to look at myself as the greatest sinner in the room. I stand not in judgement of others, seeing it is not my place to judge them for the wrongs they have committed. When my time comes, I will not stand before God with anyone next to me. I will stand alone and be judged for my decisions in life. I can not turn my finger and say, "Well Lord, you think I am bad, just look at what they have done." Our father looks as murder and adultery the same, alone with theft, lies and so much more.

I take control of my life, and let the Lord guide me to where he chooses. I make the consciences decision to listen or not. My hand is not forced, nor do I make a choice recklessly. I was always one to dive head first, I am being taught to "look for water first" "understand all or most of what lies ahead" and "go foot first." I am and always will be a pupil and a child, that needs life's lessons and a father's direction.

Alright, now that I feel that the Holy spirit spoken to me and through me, I will get back to the rest of this blog.

Now that we passed the Stress part of this segment, I will move onto the relaxation and clear road. Yes more then Lily's good news. Our lease is coming to an end, at a place we have called home for 2 years now. We were looking and looking for a house, but found not what we wanted and nothing we were comfortable with. Chris even told me, "This just doesn't feel right. Every time we have moved, it has felt right, but none of this feels right." And I completely agreed with him. As much as I wanted a home to call my own, it just isn't the right time in our lives. When it is, I am sure we will feel at peace with our decision. So after much crying *on my part* and much praying *on my part also*, we finally found our new place. Another apartment, but it is much bigger then the one we are currently at. Another 2 bedroom, which will shock most of you, but the kids room is so large, we feel comfortable with our decision of them all rooming together. Lucas starts school this year, so Lily's one nap will not be interrupted by the screaming of the boys, or the needing to play in the room. Austin will play in our large living room and have the HUGE play closet for toys, or the grass courtyard to run and play in, conveniently located right outside out front door. All of this seems to have fallen into place with such ease, but I do not foresee a bump in the road, (but am always at the ready).

We are moving up to Carefree Highway and the I-17. 27Th Dr to be exact. I will be enrolling Lucas into school here over the next few weeks. We are all excited about the pending move. It just goes to show once again how mighty our God is. That through, stress, tears, heartache, anger, frustration, he can and will help you give you a rainbow of promise. That even when you feel as if you are standing in a storm, you will make it through, you just have to learn to dance in the rain for the time being.

I am dancing in the rain, barefoot, and in a tank top and shorts, (how else do you do it, in the middle of summer in Arizona?) If your going to do it, nothing like doing it right. As a true Phoenician (you will not hear me admit that very often, better print this off, to use on me later, as I will correct you and tell you I am a SoCal girl)....I have no umbrella, no rain coat, or boots. So I will kick off my flip flops and walk out open armed in my storm of life. And no matter how hard all of it gets, I will always look for my rainbow! Genesis 9:16Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth."

Love Hugs and Blessings


Lacey said...

I'm so sorry you have a "stalker". Like you need to deal with that right now. Hopefully moving will help.

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