Saturday, March 21, 2009

E.R trip in process

As soon as Chris gets home I am taking Little Miss into the ER at St.Joes...we all have a nasty cold and she has slept more today then she has been awake, she has a nasty cough with a fever on and off. She is up now and sitting in the kitchen watching her brother play, and her color has returned to its nice pinkness, but when she is sleeping she turns pale. She slept 6 1/2 hours for her nap, not straight through, but just about. I will post once we get home....yes...I say when we get home, because I am praying it is nothing more then just a little cold and we won't have to stay there. UGH...Praying...
Love and Blessings


Greg and Heidi said...

Oh my goodness. I pray it is just a bug! I read you post and need to be more grateful for straight forward HLHS! They are a little worried about Ethan's pulmonary valve. It is not leaking, but it is over stretching when it closes and starting to narrow. That is why we got the Sano shunt with the Norwood surgery. It helps some of the blood bypass the pulmonary valve hoping to save it until the Glenn. Ethan also had a severe right sided vascular ring ( aorta was intertwined around esophogus and trachea (thus the trache) His vocal chords are temp paralyzed from the repair. I am sorry for all your stress. It is amazing the instant love and connection you have with heart mommies. I might steal you poem from your blog to post on mine.
Much love-
Heidi Skidmore
PS: My husband is at the hospital tonight, if you are admitted I will be there tomorrow afternoon.

Anonymous said...

Just wondering what happenned.
Praying for Lily always.


I was on your myspace page(lily's) but recently had to delete it.