Monday, March 16, 2009

Until Wednesday then!

I am a little bit worried....ok..maybe not a little bit but a lot a bit worried about Lily right now. She has been having her rapid breathing spells again, which is what she started to have a lot of right before her 3rd open heart surgery. Also her lips are turning a purplish blue again and I can almost guarantee the pressures are continuing to go up on her valve even with the upped dosage of her medication. I am trying not to worry about it because I know, no matter what, she will HAVE to have another surgery. That in a way I would rather it be sooner rather than later because I don't want her heart to be weakened from working to hard. But valve pressures are different or so I am told. All I know is Lily's aortic valve is defected beyond repair and will have to be replaced completely. It doesn't function right and never will. Tick-toc goes the clock, as I watch my precious daughter play around me. I hate to sound morbid, but the Angel of Death, (yes I said Angel and Death together I will elaborate in a min) has been hovering about the heart unit as of late and I am terrified to return but know we can't avoid the return either way.
Ok now what I meant by angel of death. I do not see death as an end, but a beginning to forever. We will spend eternity with our father in heaven. I live by the quote of "Life is a woman's gift, but death is Gods." God sends Angels to stand by those who will have to endure being left behind while another grabs our hands and leads us home. I don't mean angel of death in a bad just sounds a little bit morbid, but I can't think of a better name as of yet.
Until Wednesday there is nothing to do but enjoy each other company and stay stress free, because the outcomes will be the same with or without stress. I would rather play with my baby girl and listen to her giggle and squeal in peace the sit and wonder how much longer we have until she is back at St.Joes. So...with all that being said, we once again ask for you to lift Lily up in prayers. I know most of you pray for her already, but if you can say an extra prayer for her, she needs all that she can get. A fighter she is, but she does not do it alone.

Until Wednesday then.
Heart Hugs and Blessings

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